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Master Acoustique

Master Acoustique

Master Acoustics : opening of applications

See all our training courses

The Master of Acoustics at Le Mans University aims to train students for careers in acoustics in the broadest sense. It includes two families of courses :

You want to apply for a Master's degree in Acoustics at Le Mans University?

Find below our courses, along with the opening and closing dates of registration !

Please note the important dates to remember :



From 03/28/2022 to 04/28/2022


M1 ACOUSTICS - IMDEA - International Master's Degree in ElectroAcoustics


From 02/14/2022 to 05/15/2022


M1 ACOUSTICS - Wave Physics and Acoustics


From 02/14/2022 to 05/15/2022


M2 ACOUSTICS - Applied Acoustics


From 03/28/2022 to 04/28/2022


M2 ACOUSTICS - Environmental Acoustics : Transport, Building, City


From 03/28/2022 to 04/28/2022


M2 ACOUSTICS - IMDEA - International Master's Degree in ElectroAcoustics


From 02/14/2022 to 05/15/2022


More details on these courses : Download the PDF version


Warning MASTER IMDEA : The application to the IMDEA program is reserved to candidates who have validated the scientific and motivation tests of the recruitment procedure detailed on :http://imdeacoustics.univ-lemans.fr/en/admission/admission-procedure.html
If you wish to apply, please contact : imdeacoustics @ univ-lemans.fr


There are three steps to follow. Click on the one you want :



To find out the application procedure, which varies according to the course, please :

  1. consult the desired training in ourtraining offer.
  2. click on the "ADMISSION" tab of the training file to access the application procedures.
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