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From high school to doctorate in Acoustics

From high school to doctorate in Acoustics

From high school to doctorate in Acoustics

The Institute of Acoustics - Graduate School offers several training courses in the field of acoustics, in connection with the Faculty of Science & Technology and ENSIM (Engineering School Le Mans University):

2 Licenses including 1 Professional License, 1 Master's degree in acoustics which includes 2 families of courses, 1 engineering degree and 1 PhD.

The Institute ensures the quality of its training through total immersion in laboratories. This ambition of training in research through research allows students to be accompanied by tutors (like thesis directors) and integrated into a team to work on specific research projects throughout the training.

Bachelor's degrees

Bachelor in Acoustics and Vibrations

Professional Bachelor in Acoustics and Vibrations

Master's degrees

Master in Acoustics

Engineering degree

Engineering degree in Vibrations, Acoustics and Sensors (VAC)

PhD programms

Doctorate in Acoustics
More information: The pathway of the doctoral student


Presentation video of the courses

Note that the courses has undergone some changes since this video was made in 2018

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