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    • Presentation

      Supported by Le Mans University and the CNRS, the "Institut d'Acoustique - Graduate School" was launched in 2018.
      Inspired by the Anglo-Saxon graduate school model, the Institute aims to become an international...

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    • LAUM - Laboratoire d’Acoustique de l’Université du Mans - UMR CNRS 6613

      Laboratory of Acoustics of Le Mans Université (LAUM) - UMR CNRS 6613
      Acoustics is the science of sounds. Acoustics is related to the production, transmission and reception of sound as well as its effects...

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    • From high school to doctorate in Acoustics

      The Institute of Acoustics - Graduate School offers several training courses in the field of acoustics, in connection with the Faculty of Science & Technology and ENSIM (Engineering School Le Mans University)

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    • Acoustics day 2024

      Acoustics day 2024

       New acoustics students were welcomed on Thursday during Acoustics Day.

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    • IRP (International Research Project)

      IRP (International Research Project)


      The CNRS has renewed the IRP (International Research Project) Centre Acoustique Jacques Cartier (CAJC) for a period of 5 years.

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    • EXACT#5 - Technical Days of Experimentation in Acoustics

      EXACT#5 - Technical Days of Experimentation in Acoustics


      The 5th edition Technical Days for ACoustic Experimentation of the SFA.
      Registrations will open on November 1st, 2022.

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    • Le Mans Sonore 2024 : Call for participation

      Le Mans Sonore 2024 : Call for participation


      The next edition of the biennial event Le Mans Sonore, which will take place from January 20 to 28, 2024, will address the societal issue of « Transmissions ».

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