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Research lab - LAUM

The acoustic laboratory – LAUM

LAUM - Laboratoire d’Acoustique de l’Université du Mans - UMR CNRS 6613

Laboratory of Acoustics of Le Mans Université (LAUM) - UMR CNRS 6613


Acoustics is the science of sounds. Acoustics is related to the production, transmission and reception of sound as well as its effects on living beings, the environment and matter. Acoustics is an integral part of the engineering and environmental sciences, health and life sciences as well as humanities and social sciences.

Investigations at the Acoustics Laboratory in Le Mans Université mainly focus on sources and sensors, acoustics and mechanics of materials, wave propagation in fluids and complex structures. Acoustic investigations aim at observing and quantifying physical phenomena, at analysing and modelling them using both mathematical and numerical methods.

Applications cover a wide field of subject topics: noise reduction and vibration damping, evaluation and control of materials, sound quality...

The sectors of activity related to acoustics exhibit a large diversity: building, automotive, aeronautics, telecommunications, music and instrument making, entertainment industry, environment, medicine, etc.


 150 people including
60 researchers and teachers-researchers
70 students and postdoctoral fellows
20 administrative and technical staff


LAUM actively cooperates with French, European (Great Britain, Spain, Sweden, Czech Republic, etc.) and International (USA, Canada, China, Brazil, Japan, etc.) laboratories. LAUM has also developed industrial partnerships with the Le Mans Centre for Technology Transfer (CTTM), SAFRAN, SNCF, Renault, PSA, Valéo, Orange Labs, etc.


Specific rooms equipped with test benches, anechoic and semi-anechoic rooms, optoacoustics and digital holography rooms, microtechnology room (clean room), etc.


Partner of  Le Mans Acoustique Institute and member of the Institut  d’Acoustique - Graduate School (PIA3 - ANR program).



Director: Pierrick Lotton | dirlaum @ univ-lemans.fr

More informations:
Download the presentation sheet of LAUM (EN)
Visit the website of LAUM

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