The director and project leader
PresentationThe director and project leader
The project to create the Institute of Acoustics - Graduate School has been assigned to Vincent TOURNAT in 2017, professor at Le Mans University and CNRS Research Director at LAUM.
"I saw a rare opportunity to structure in an original, innovative and efficient way a coherent thematic group, which is acoustics at the University of Le Mans, both in terms of research and training.
Concerning the training, one of the main objectives of the institute is the articulation between research and training (training for and through research). The complete integration of master’s students into the laboratories (and more broadly of graduate students; 1st and 2nd year master's students and 4th and 5th year engineering students), as practised in the USA, but also elsewhere, such as in Germany for example, seems to me to be interesting for several reasons.”
The list of expected benefits is long: better motivation, involvement, recognition, maturity and success of the students, acquisition of specific (and numerous) research skills, better knowledge of the world of scientific research and the functioning of team work, vitality, influence and attractiveness of the laboratory...
"Such changes of practice, combined with scholarship schemes for international student and researcher mobility, the provision of innovation spaces, and the creation of a new international "Wave Physics & Acoustics" master's course, are the main objectives of the Institute of Acoustics - Graduate School.”
As a project cannot be uniquely comprised of methods, it is also through our structuring, our organisation and the creation of this "Institute of Acoustics" that we want to gain visibility and attractiveness, and to continue the efforts made for several years in this direction, notably thanks to the RFI Le Mans Acoustics.
As the leader of the "University Research School" project financed by the ANR via the “Programme d'Investissement d'Avenir (PIA3)”, Vincent TOURNAT was elected Director of the Institut d'Acoustique - Graduate School, for a 4-year term, by a majority vote in June 2020. The Institute was officially created within Le Mans University by the adoption of statutes in early 2020.