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The goals


The goals


The training offered and the research activities in acoustics are currently distributed within several entities of the University. The objective is to strengthen the structural links and synergies between the Faculty of Science and Technology, the National Engineering School of Le Mans (ENSIM), the Acoustics Laboratory of the University of Le Mans (LAUM - UMR CNRS 6613) and the Doctoral School SPI (Sciences Pour l'Ingénieur).


  • Strengthening the link between education and research.
  • Consolidate the links between universities and research organisations (CNRS).
  • Increase cooperation with economic actors.
  • Promote the professional integration of students at both master's and doctoral level.
  • Improve the impact and international attractiveness of institutions.
  • Reinforce the link between Bachelor, Engineering training, Master and Doctorate.


Within 3 years, the Institute of Acoustics - Graduate School will have a specific legal status and governance. The idea is to group together the research, training and innovation activities in acoustics carried out within the university in order to pool and harmonise activities, in the interests of students and research.

At the same time, the accreditation of the new training on offer will make it possible to propose a new global and coherent training offer in acoustics at the University.

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